Spice Up Your Sex Life

Monday, July 10, 2006

Beauty as a Sexual Object

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To fall in love -- considered by some as the ultimate quest in life, and prepared by others with a constant and unending flow of fantasies, dreams, and enchanting ideas. And what we find sometimes to be so uniquely freakish of a fetish of our own, so personally vaulted and denied at every conscious inquiry -- we find, in fact, that it is a secrecy of our own sexuality and our own fantasies, that disallows us from discovering that, what we find to be deviant is actually commonplace in the minds of all individuals. There is no person whose sexual ideas are unique, no fantasy of anyone that is not based on the same roots of the fantasies of others. This is sexuality, a social and emotional facet of every human. So, it must be granted as truth, that it is the repression of sexuality in our society, that convinces us that our own sexuality is a freak, a deviancy, an intolerably disgusting and improper attitude. Despite the fact that sexuality has been an intrinsic part of the lives of the hundreds and hundreds of millions of people, or the hundreds of billions of animals, there are still some puritanical ideas of people to oppose it. And, even if sexuality weren't commonplace, one would think that the argument of "so long as none are harmed, let it be," would be enough to justify it. I think that it was not a matter of argument, but one of shame and repression, that granted the puritan-minded people to believe and preach as they do.

If, in fact, those of the puritanical ideas had no conception of sexuality, I do not believe they could have the will to rally against sex. If it is just a fact of life, nothing that personally effected them, then it would not be something they could muster so much unforgiving hate for. Alas, I do not think these puritanical ideas have done much of anything to uplift the personality of goodness or the character of charity. The idea that sex is an evil is not a friend of the ideals of kindness, intelligence, or truth. These puritanical soldiers have done nothing but bog down the structure of civilization, waging a war against our own animal nature. By seeing their own feelings of sexuality, experiencing the desires and urges, the thoughts and inhibitions, puritans find themselves villified with their own character, ashamed and mortified. I think that people manage to put anger, passion, and strong, powerful emotions into vengeance, when it is their own personal nature that they are attacking. The puritans have allowed themselves to be cruel, brutal, and absolutely cold blooded in their war against sex. As the blood running through civilization warmed, the extent to which they were allowed to fight has been limited and limited. Tortures and murders were an intrinsic part of the original Puritan culture, when it came to their attitude about punishing sex.

It is a rather popular statement, that beaty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet everyone seems to interpret this statement differently. The fact that someone or something is beuatiful is only true because there is a critic to call it that. No artwork exemplified beauty without an onlooker, no song brought forward melody without a listener, no poem created peacefulness or rage without a reader. There can be no argument to this. We find, also, that just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is ugliness in the eye of the beholder. The same artwork that was called beautiful by one may be called ugly, disgusting, or otherwise unappealing by another. It is here that the true meaning of the phrase may be captured. The only reason why something is appealing or unappealing, attractive or unattractive, is because there is a mind in the sensory organs there to judge. The ideas of what is or is not gorgeous, enchanting, homely, or wretched are all dependent upon the viewer. Then we apply these ideas to a person. One's voice is seen as glorious in tone or rancid in quality. The face and body become a considerable work of art or a defaced panting, or something in between or to a more extreme. Judging a body and a face, though, as beautiful or ugly, is a much different action than judging a painting as either beautiful or ugly.

A person, unlike a painting or a poem, is conscious, capable of emotion and happiness. All of a sudden, their physical attributes become subject to criticism and judgment. What is the purpose, though, of finding someone attractive or unattractive? The simple and obvious answer is for thepurpose of mating and procreation. Now that the reason for appeal or unappeal, in a person's beauty anyway, has been uncovered, another question remains open. If a person's outter shell can be judged as ugly or beautiful, by one person or another, and since this judgment does not help us to determine their character, should we disregard beauty and ugliness as a deterent to a person's true self?

Of those individuals who call themselves Freethinkers, artists, independent minds, lovers of intelligence and friends of liberty, it is the typical attitude that a person's emotions and way of thinking is in fact a part of their intrinsic self. There can be no greater proof of this than experience: beautiful people may be cruel and heartless, as the ugly people can be intelligent and meaningful, and vice versa. A person's beauty does not determine the way they think. It does not make them more kind or charitable, nor does it instill in them attributes of vice or cruelty. This fact, I imagine will meet with no argument from those whom have experienced the world. The Freethinkers, though, have further advanced this position, by incorporating this philosophy int their personal lives. They do not judge people on their image, and accept friendship and affection from someone regardless of theri looks, and they are not less scornful of a brutal person no matter their beauty. They have taken a rational position and they must be commended for that. In another way, some of them have incorporated their philosophy into their sexuality, either consciously or unconsciously. For example, they find someone attractive based on their ideas, their character, their way of thinking and personality. One's physical body becomes esxually arrousing once they are identified with ideas of justice and goodness. They have not warded off human sexuality, so they have much more mindfulness and personal awareness than the puritans. In some cases, a Freethinker who fell in love with someone for their ideas, after the berakup, individuals they see resembling their initial love, even if socially considered unattractive, are considered attractive by the Freethinker.

So it happens, that the phrase comes to us, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," and we find that beautiful and ugly are relative terms, subjective in that they are exsiting only in the mind. Our natural response to this is that a person cannot wholly be judged by their physical, since they are conscious. they are capable of thoughts, ideas, emotions. Thus we find every Freethinker and independent individual falling in love with a personality of a person, irregardless of physical appeal.

There is one fact that must be treated, though. An individual cannot have sex with a personality. As much as the idea is desired, physical affection cannot be given to a thought, an idea, or a character. It is necessary that a body is there. Admiration of an individual and their thoughts is never so pure or heart-warming as when there is a face for that individual, by which emotions and even ideas can be expressed. The look of ease, of a person laying down at the end of a long day, or a look of interest and intrigue, fascinated by the current occurrences, or a look of boldness and strength, defending what we believe in and what we fight for. The analytical expression, unsatisfied with what we know, delving through thoughts, facts, memories, to develope a more just theory -- the expression of deep thought, it allows us a a greater admiration of the deep thought itself. Nothing can greater express sadness than a story one wished to levie by retelling, accompanied by tears.

This is just the face alone: eyes compliment diw th brows, a mouth given a tongue, and a nose, the rest covered with skin enveloping ten thousand muscle strands, all of which can combine to tell us thoughts and emotions. Anger and aggression, sadness and solemnness, pleasure and euphoria, exhaustion and rest -- all feelings by which we can purely communicate to another by the contraction or relaxation of our face muscles. The blessing of the voice adds to whatever feeling we are comunicating, even if we are not speaking actual words. In fact, the emotion or facial expression delivers is dramatically heightened and empathically understood those vocal sounds which transcend all human language, particularly when we express a sudden pain, joy, or understanding.

Then, we are to consider the rest of the body. There are few words so reassuring, as a gentle, affectionate, and understanding touch. The idea of love can be written in a million poems and a thousand essays, which help us understand it in a reflective manner, but few things are so realistically understood as love when through the physical act of it; it is so logical to believe that experience is necessary to knowledge in this situation, just as it is impossible to know the true nature of terror without going through war, or other experiences. Lips, eyelashes, and other facial features, gently caressing, touching, or nuzzling the intimate or even common parts of the body: love-making, never so real or pure as can be demonstrated through experience. Those gentle parts, the neck, the stomach, the inner arms, find themselves also to be the most intimately felt. Perhaps it is the nature of evolution: ourselves becoming most protective of our most vulnerable parts, that they can also be the most intimate parts, because we feel that we want our lovers to feel those parts which we are most aware of. The other parts, the spinal column, the inner fore arms, the hands, though we are not only protective of them, we regard them during sex as gentle and intimate.

Understand, though, that up to this point, of the necessity of a body for physical expression and physcial love, I have said nothing of beauty, spoken no words on one's complection as it is concerned to sex. I have only demonstrated the purity of expression when physical, when either in body and through the face. Yet there may be something rather unsettling, or otherwise seemingly contradictory about these thoughts. Those who have based their opinion on Freethought and independence, have argued that the physical complection, of beautiful or ugly, is not accurately indicative of a person's inner character. But, on the other hand, the body allows us the most pure and affectionate method of expressing our desires.

I suppose that it must be admitted that one's body and face is an important part of love and sexuality. Whether we find one's body to be beautiful or not, the existence of such a body is important. But, beauty can even play a positive role in this. A body may in fact be considered indefferent, perhaps somewhat ugly or holmely. But, once that body has a personality, an opinion, an ideal, a character, these things alone may be enough for us to find them attractive physically. The same can be said of a body we initially find attractive, but then we hear a rather unintelligent, thoughtless mind speak, a rather cocky personality, and an otherwise unattractive character, and we find them ugly physically. It is not always the case, but it happens to be true often. Thus, beauty, no matter what it comes from, a physical complection, is necessary to a meaningful relationship.

Before ending this dissertation, there are still some thoughts on beauty that will not rest in my heart until I have fully explained them. As I stated before, there are many people who would find it immature or thoughtless to love or deeply care about someone just by their physical complection. But, it is almost a thing of serenity, when a young boy's passions are enveloped around just the image of a girl. Granted, he may not be thoughtful in his quest, but he is listening to his desires. The thoughts and ideas that are spurning in his mind may be misguided, but they are gorgeous, wonderful, and even comforting. Fantasies may be played out where just a kindly personality is placed in the boy's fictionaly apparition of her. He will feel joy when he imagines her impressed with every aspect of him, and very loving and caring of him. The same can be said of a girl and her affection for any handsome man.

With this, I end. I can only hope that I have enlightened some minds.


For Life,

About The Author

Punkerslut (or Andy Carloff) has been writing essays and poetry on social issues which have caught his attention for several years. His website www.punkerslut.com provides a complete list of all of these writings. His life experience includes homelessness, squating in New Orleans and LA, dropping out of high school, getting expelled from college for "subversive activities," and a myriad of other revolutionary actions.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) - Catherine Leroy, the French-born photojournalist whose stark images of battle helped tell the story of the Vietnam War in the pages of Life magazine and other publications, died Saturday of cancer, a physician at St. John's Health Center said. She was 60.Obituaries in the News (phillyburbs.com)

Unattractive guy faces unlikely stumbling block (Pioneer Press)Dear Advice Goddess: This is gonna sound like a joke, but I swear it's not. I'm an unattractive guy (not hideous, but pretty ugly) who's overweight and really socially awkward. When it comes to talking with women, I just clam up. About the only thing I have going for me is a huge penis.

posted by femme_in_love at 7:15 PM 0 comments

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Different Approaches To Sexual Experience

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Ever notice how men talk about 'having sex' while women talk about 'making love?' That kind of hits the nail on the head when it comes to how men and women approach sex. Men are pretty direct when it comes to sex -- they are arounsed easily, usually by visual stimulation, what they see. Women are much more complex, and require a more complicated experience to become aroused and take longer.

While that sounds simple, (and it is!) if you are going to improve your sexual technique, you must keep it in mind constantly.

So lets have a look at this 'more complicated experience,' and see what we can learn.

Women enjoy sex with more of their senses, touch, smell, taste, and hearing. Notice that I did NOT say sight. Women are aroused by sight as well as the other senses, but this is secondary.

Women love things like "taking your time",
"anticipation", and "foreplay" because they make the experience richer and involve more senses.

Lets look at a few of these in more detail:

1. Hearing. Women love to hear romantic sensual things. Notice that is sensual not sexual language. Women love love to hear you describe your feelings. Men are more direct and want to hear things like, "you are so big." Women like to hear things like, "your skin is so soft."

2. Touching. Women love to be touched and stroked. Stroking, cuddling, and touching is all great stuff that arouses women. Stroke her lightly with the tips of your fingers up and down her body, avoiding sexual areas. There will be lots of time for that later! Build up tension and anticipation.

3. Smelling. This could be scented candles or inscense. Women love smelling and being smelled.

4. Tasting. Women love to be fed all kinds of wonderful things like strawberries, sweets, and wine.

5. Sight. While generally women are not turned on by sight, most women love to look into your eyes. This kind of ultra-romantic stuff is a huge turn-on for most women.

6. Kissing. Kissing is a kind of touching. Our lips have tons of nerve endings in them which is why contact with our lips feels good. Make kissing an experience instead of jumping right in with your tongue! Lightly brush her lips with yours and then pull away. Keep doing this 'brushing' contact, and you will excite the nerve ending on both of your lips. Play with your lips lightly and gently.

Remember when you were learning to drive? One of the first things you learn is - don't gun the engine while its cold! Well sex is just like that!

About The Author

Robert Johanssen has written widely on sex, sexuality, couples, relationships and singles. Visit his website at http://www.sexual-technique.ca and learn more about sexual technique.

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posted by femme_in_love at 7:15 PM 0 comments

Friday, July 07, 2006

Talking Dirty

One of the best ways to create an erotic scene is with a little naughty talk into your partner or new partner's ear. And as you know from getting ready to come this evening, presentation is everything.

Finding Your Sexy Voice

Everyone knows what a sexy voice is, but do you know how to find yours?

Talking deeply isn't enough, nor do you need to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day either. This part is all about your attitude and your ability to relax in the moment.

Start with your breathing. Think about how you are breathing at the moment. Is it quick or is it slow? Your voice should move with this rhythm. With quick breaths, you want to break up your sentences, and with longer breaths, you can give more details.

Talk like you were trying to whisper, but ran out of breath. Your voice may drop a notch by doing this.

Or you can just relax and talk a little more quietly to get the same effect.

What Am I Going To Say?

If you've never talked dirty, then this is going to be an eye-opening experience. And you're going to feel a bit strange at first, but that's normal.

Think about the things that you love about the other person. Is it a particular body part? That's great, you can use that.

You can start with something like, "I love your (whatever body part you choose)" at first. This gets you warmed up and everyone likes a compliment. This will also show the other person that you're going to talk a bit.

You aren't answering a question, so try no to use the word "because." You don't have to give a reason, you just love something.

But you can say what that particular body part is doing to your body. Slow it down and lengthen the talk out. Start with "I love your (whatever body part)." Take a pause and then finish with, "It makes my (choose your favourite sexual organ) hot/wet/choose your reaction."

Tell them how they make you feel in explicit detail and watch their reaction.

You're well on your way to being a pro at dirty talk.

As a side note, some folks like to use words that may be derogatory, but I would make sure that the other person doesn't mind before you try them.

Some will be very offended and that isn't a good way to start a lovely evening.

Getting Comfortable

Why many people don't use dirty talk is because they think they sound silly and that's just not the case.

As with anything new, you just need to jump in and try it. Everyone has a first time for everything, and since you're in a safe environment, no one is going to laugh at you.

Saying anything that is related to sex in the heat of an already arousing moment will sound magical. You just need to spit it out a few times to get comfortable with saying it.

After a while, dirty talk will come naturally and your partner of the moment will love it.

About The Author

Julia Tanner has written an amazing swingers minicourse . You can get it absolutely free at http://www.swingersvillage.net. Find out everything that you absolutely need to know if you are a swinger, or if you are considering swinging.

This fall, Coloradans will decide up to four ballot measures regarding a single, volatile issue: same-sex partnerships.Ring around the ballot (Colorado Springs Independent)

Mass. group fighting same-sex marriage (Boston Globe)When they spotted the mannequins in a Macy's department store window celebrating the city's Gay Pride week, Brian Camenker and other activists at MassResistance jumped into action.

SHAYNE WARD EXCLUSIVE (Daily Mirror)"I'D never have sex under my mum's roof that's why I had to buy a flat!," reveals X Factor winner Shayne.

posted by femme_in_love at 7:15 PM 0 comments

Reignite Your Sex Life

The tempo of modern living can seem to play havoc with our sexual relationships. There are always reasons to put everything else before our sexual gratification. However, the choice is yours.

Do you remember the passion and sexual excitement that got you into the relationship in the first place? That is what life and living is actually all about. Temporary diminishment of sexual desire can happen in any relationship. Illness, relocation, job loss or financial setbacks, can adversely affect our desire from time to time. External circumstances can and do affect the fire. Now a temporary break may actually be a good thing, as this can lead to renewed discovery of one another. The problem arises when the situation is prolonged. Now the lack of sexual desire or activity can actually cause distress in the relationship and lead to unhappiness in both partners and breakdowns. This needs to be addressed to avoid causing irreparable damage destroying the relationship.

Here are some simple ways to get your mojo working again.

Stop fighting!

Resolve any issues that may be stopping you from actually communicating and being a loving couple. Clear out the trash so to speak. Are there unresolved issues that you and your partner are avoiding? Confront these and clear them out. Lingering thoughts will lead to unhappiness and avoidance of intimacy on all levels. How do you think you will connect at a physical level, if you aren't even communicating? Clear the slate so to speak.

Make intimate contact a necessity.

You need to prioritize being close, just as an item on your to do list. pick up the laundry, be intimate, etc. We tend too put mundane activities ahead of our needs all too often. You need to live, not just exist. To live, you need to do certain enjoyable things. Sex is amongst thaoose, so prioritise it together with other fulfilling activities. Don't just assume it will happen, make it happen. This need not be inflexible, but let it happen more often than not. When you push sex aside your relationship will become like any other mundane existence. Watch out for this, don't let it happen. The more you have sex, the more you will want it. Let the snowball effect carry you in the right direction.

Are you OK?

Make sure that there aren't any physical reasons not to have sex. Male impotence, or erectile dysfunction, is very prevalent amongst highly stressed breadwinners. Attack the cause, reduce the stress, and if need be, use some of the available medication and seek medical assistance. This aspect of your health is as important as any other for the quality of your life. Women may have discomfort during intercourse for a variety of reasons. Again, seek assistance, resolve the physical issues. Make sure that there are no physical problems. Sometimes hormonal imbalances occurr, resulting in reduced drive, identify and remedy these. Modern medicine is very aware and capable of helping in these situations, there is no need for embarrassment, the issues are to widespread, for you too think that you are the only one with this type of problem. Sort it out.

Are you fulfilled?

A common situation causing disinterest, or even anger or resentment, is an unfulfilling sexual relationship. If both partners needs are not being met, one will always feel like a victim. This cannot enable a mutually satisfying sexual relationship. If our needs are not being met, talk to your partner. Work on the situation together. An understanding of the situation is the first step to resolving the issue. In many cases, just letting your partner know what you like is enough to make all the difference. In very few situations is it imposible to find a mutually acceptable compromise to satisfy both partners

Where's the romance?

Romance is what led to sex in the first place. Setting the right mood, creating romantic surroundings, can make all the difference. Create a little love nest. This can be a very intimate place, or an intimate time. Run a bath for your partner, put up some candles, add some scented bathoil, and voila you don't know what will happen. On a more practical note, pack the kids off to grandma for the night, order in some exotic take-away, put a candle on the table, and refuse to let her do any housework. Watch the sparks fly. There are a myriad of ways to alter the mundane, and create situations tha timmediatrely up the chances of a romantic enjoyable encounter. You just need to do it.

Up for a dirty weekend?

A change is as good as a holiday they say. In the romance stakes, a change of scenery can work wonders. It doesn't have to be an exotic island location (although that would be nice). Get out of the rut. Get out and see something different, and it will bring about different thoughts and attitudes to your sexual perception as well.

Get wild.

Sex in an elevator, with the risk of being caught at any time, could turn on some partners to the extent t

About The Author

Who is Udo Vieth? He is fast becoming an expert on love, relationship, romance, as well as being a qualified EFT and Biofeedback practitioner. He has a website: www.Toprelationships.com with information regarding all aspects of relationships.


Exclusive: The New Bond Girls! (Coming Soon)ComingSoon.net/James Bond Hype talks to not one, not two, but ALL THREE of the lovely ladies playing Bond Girls in the 21st movie starring Ian Fleming's Agent 007, Casino Royale . (Producer Michael G. Wilson and casting directing Debra McWilliams were also there to tell us how they go about picking the perfect Bond Girls.)

The following information will not affect your life at all.All things must pass, including this column (Asbury Park Press)

7/6 Fishing Report (The Times)The crappie are bitting in brush piles suspended in 9-12 feet of water using minnows. I have been catching 25-30 in a couple of hours. I'm talking about most of these crappie are big.

posted by femme_in_love at 1:29 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Do Pheromones Play Role In Your Sexual Life

If you've never heard of pheromones it is time to learn about the part they play in your sex life. The concept of a human pheromone, or sexual scent of attraction, has been debated and researched for years.

Using a brain imaging technique, Swedish researchers have shown that homosexual and heterosexual men respond differently to two odors that may be involved in sexual arousal, and that the gay men respond in the same way as women. The new research may open the way to studying human pheromones, as well as the biological basis of sexual preference.

A pheromone is any chemical or mixture of chemicals produced by a living organism that transmits a message to other members of the same species. The term "pheromone" is usually used for sexual attractants. There are some other pheromones - they act as signals for alarm and defense, territory and trail-marking, and social regulation and recognition. Pheromones are now being used in insect control, for example as bait to attract males to field traps or, in very high concentrations, to disorient insects and prevent mating.

After long dismissing the search for a human pheromone as folly, scientists have begun to take a second look at how human body odor influences sexual attraction. The magic scent is not only a romantic elixir but the aromatic effluence of our immune system. The only trouble is we don't give it half a chance.

Although it's now clear that pheromones exist, the way our body processes them has yet to be well determined. Animals have a vomeronasal organ (VNO), which perceives the substance and then leads them to mate. Some anatomists don't think humans have a VNO; others think they've found pits inside our nostrils that might be VNOs, but may not work.

Pheromones in humans are believed to be produced by the apocrine glands. These glands become functional after reaching puberty, which could explain why most people develop an attraction for others at that time. Pheromones could also be the reason why a person can sense "chemistry", or feel an instant attraction or dislike when first meeting someone.

The Swiss researchers found that women taking oral contraceptives (which block conception by tricking the body into thinking it's pregnant) reported reversed preferences, liking more the smells that reminded them of home and kin. Since the Pill reverses natural preferences, a woman may feel attracted to men she wouldn't normally notice if she were not on birth control--men who have similar MHC profiles.

Dr. Cutler's original studies in the '70s showed that women who have regular sex with men have more regular menstrual cycles than women who have sporadic sex. Regular sex delayed the decline of estrogen and made women more fertile. This led the research team to look for what the man was providing in the equation. By 1986 they realized it was pheromones.

When you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction. According to an article in "Psychology Today," how our body odors are perceived as pleasant and sexy to another person is a highly selective process. We usually smell best to a person whose genetically based immunity to disease differs most from our own. This could benefit you in the long run, making for stronger, healthier children.

The alluring chemical scent that young women give off to attract men seems to provide the same effect for post-menopausal women. When the scientists added the scent, a pheromone, to perfume used by older women, their romantic lives seemed to improve, the researchers wrote in New Scientist magazine. The study was also published in the Journal of Sex Behavior. Study leader Joan Friebely and her colleagues applied the test to 44 post-menopausal women. Those who used the treated perfume found their partners to be more affectionate than those who used the normal perfume.

Vatican slams European countries where same-sex marriage is legal (The Advocate)A senior Vatican cardinal has called same-sex marriage "absolute nothingness" and says he fears the Catholic Church could be prosecuted in an international court for its right-to-life stance.

The Department of Education will submit the controversial adolescent reproductive health modules to the Catholic Bishops? Conference of the Philippines and parents for approval before using them in public high schools.DepEd to submit sex-ed modules to CBCP (ABS-CBNNEWS.com)

The Revolution of Everyday Life (Seattle Weekly)The Emma Goldman Finishing School is a Beacon Hill anarchist commune whose members are trying to live their revolution one day at a time.

posted by femme_in_love at 7:15 PM 0 comments

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Good Nutrition Needed for Good Sex

Most sex problems include loss of sex drive, lack of sex interest (which may differ from the preceding), impotence, premature climax, sterility, damage to the pelvic organs (which may inhibit pleasure and encourage infections), inherent weaknesses in the sex system, diet- or lifestyle-related fatigue, and various other problems.

Psychological sex problems fall into a special category.

But good diet and exercise are necessary even when counselling is the primary means of correction.

Some problems may be primarily rooted in chemical or glandular imbalance and may be completely corrected by diet and exercise.

When the food we eat lacks essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other nutrients, we become undernourished and subject to disease.

Likewise, sexual problems, whether physical or mental, result from deficiencies--in knowledge, in attitude, in diet, in lifestyle. Once we correct the deficiency, the problem takes care of itself.

This is Nature's way.

Our bodies are made of food chemicals, and the energy we use is fueled by food chemicals.

When some of these chemicals are lacking, certain parts of our bodies may be incomplete, so they cannot perform the functions they were designed to perform.

Since we get the chemicals we need from foods, we have to have a variety of whole, pure, and natural foods to meet all the chemical needs of the body.

We have to eat right, or our bodies will not work correctly.

Our sex lives depend on the structural integrity of several glands, organs, and tissues of the body as well as on the availability of sufficient energy to perform at its best.

Each of these parts of the sex system requires constant replenishing of the nutrients it requires.

While the brain, nerves, and glands are fed by the same foods, different tissues require different foods to function at peak efficiency.

Thus, a variety of nutrients needed by different tissues requires a variety of foods to supply those nutrients.

But suppose we were not getting the right foods to produce the sex hormones our bodies needed? We would be in serious trouble as far as our sex lives were concerned.

If you want to save your love life and make it more enjoyable, you need to evaluate the food and drink that have become part of your lifestyle.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that adults eat a healthy breakfast, drink 100 percent fruit juice and load their diets with fruits and vegetables.

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture have found that the mineral boron is vital for hormone production and sexual function. boron can be found in dark green leafy vegetables, fruits(not citrus), nuts and legumes.

For a romantic twist, the caring couple can prepare their nutritious meals together; not only will you boost your energy, but for many, the act of food preparation itself can be a bonding experience.

You can kick it up a notch by using aphrodisiac spices like clove, vanilla, ginger and saffron in your dishes.

Even the healthiest of meals cannot provide all of the 45-plus nutrients that are needed in your diet to maintain good health.

These essential nutrients are divided into six categories--proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Even marginal deficiencies of one or more nutrients can interfere with your good health.

Use as few drugs as possible. Ask your doctor if any of the prescription drugs you have to take will affect your sex life.

Cut out or cut down on the use of alcohol, cigarettes, and coffee. As much as possible, avoid sugary foods and drinks and fried, fatty foods. Cut back on milk and wheat products.

Substitute herbal teas for coffee and regular teas, juices for commercial soft drinks. If you must use sweetener, use a little honey.

As adults, we must realize that good health is earned. It is something we have to work for.

We can have a wonderful love life and wonderful sexual activity, but the two must be built on a foundation of right living. We need to learn our historical lessons and resolve to eat foods as whole, pure, and natural as we can find them.

Sometimes the flame of love just dies, because we aren't eating right. The sex drive won't run without the right fuel.

About The Author

Ruby Boyd's website offers information on achieving Natural Health, Natural Beauty using natural, drug-free methods.

Visit http://www.a1-natural-health-and-beauty.com for information on how to achieve health and beauty fitness goals naturally.


You talked and we listened! We're excited to announce the Return of Adult DVD Empire as DVD Talk's exclusive adult sponsor. More than great deals, having Adult DVD Empire back on board means a ton of new features in the Adult DVD Review Section including linking of the performers and directors in many of the reviews which will then link to our reviews - click on Lanny Barby and see all the moviesReturn of The Empire, Evilution and Jesse Jane Sneak Peek (DVD Talk)

PSUs and departments to report vacancies within two weeks (Kaumundi Online)The state cabinet asked the State Public Sector Units and Department heads to report to government the vacancies for permanent posts within two weeks.

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